torek, 12. maj 2015

Vi ste kapitan – vodstvene sposobnosti za starše

V torek, 12. maja 2015 ob 20.00 uri Euro Nobile vabi na brezplačen teleseminar za starše in izobraževalce, v okviru EU projekta "Spretnosti in znanja za odgovorno usposobljene starše" (program VŽU, Grundtvig partnerstvo).

Seminar bo potekal v angleškem jeziku. Več informacij v nadaljevanju:

We often hear that today's kids "rule" over their parents, and that parents should show their kids "who is in power". However, many of us - due to our own often coercing and abusive experiences with authority figures - are reluctant to do so. We wish for a loving relationship with our kids, and we may see the matter of leadership and love as an either/or question.


However, by not taking up the challange of being really the leaders of our families, we also may miss the opportunity to navigate family life in the direction we wish for ourselves and our kids.


In this tele-seminar we will be looking at the question of leadership: why it is hard, why it is worth stepping into, and how to stregthen our abilitiy to respond to this challenge and thereby take responsibility for the way our families and communities lives are going.




This is a free call offered  by Szelid Szavakkal Alapitvany, Hungarian partner organisation in the “Soft Skills – Empowered Parents” Grundtvig Learning Partnership project, funded by the European Commission’s Lifelong learning programme. For more information, contact: or


To participate, call the relevant number from the list below, and enter Participant Access Code 908314.